Importance of clear communication in times of crisis

The events of recent days have filled us with significant concerns about the future of our own businesses in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. It is truly a worrying time for the nation and the world, yet we are in this together and we will come out of it together.

I have been in the media industry for more than 30 years and we are certainly in uncharted territory.

I would like to offer practical communication advice that can help your organisation at this time. Firstly, I would like to share with you the importance of regular communication to your clients, associates, affiliates, customers and stakeholders. They want to hear from you.

They want strong leadership, up-to-date information, assurance, advice, solutions and adaptation. They want your help and we can help you assist them.

The latter of these, adaptation, is where we collectively face the biggest challenges as businesses, and I truly believe that those who can adapt to the current crisis will come out the other side even stronger.

I will give you some examples of how we are helping our clients adapt their operations with great success. 

  • One of our clients is set to launch Australia’s first ever “virtual” project launch in coming weeks in direct response to the coronavirus outbreak.
  • Others, with our help, are establishing interactive “virtual” sales displays and “virtual inspections” to minimise person-to-person contact but provide prospective buyers with all the information they need.
  • We are assisting clients to update their web content to provide more information for clients and customers.
  • Many are refining their communications methods to ensure ongoing contact efficiency (Google Hangout, Zoom, WhatsApp, etc).
  • Updating simple communications methods on existing platforms (simple, but not to be under-estimated).

Yesterday I assisted a client, one of Australia’s leading private mortgage brokers, who was inundated with concerns from private and business mortgage holders on all things related to their personal and business loans.

The questions were asked: How do I make my next mortgage payment? How long can I make the payments? Can the banks foreclose on me?

Media Hunt assisted the company in developing a simple but effective communications strategy in just a few hours. This enabled our client to ensure their customers received all the information on banking and government policies they required to enable them to make informed decisions and explore all options, including an array of lending options, that could save them tens of thousands of dollars over the terms of their loans.


Given the strain on the broadcast media services across the country, Media Hunt is aware there is high demand for video news release (VNR) content which can be supplied electronically to the media. Media Hunt operates this function with our partner Sean Lawson, one of Queensland’s most experienced broadcast journalists.

In addition, this video content can be edited and packaged by Media Hunt to be used as part of your own communications strategies.

Finally, I would like to say this - communication is simple but sometimes it’s not simple to communicate. That’s where we jump in!

Now is the time to cut through the noise and offer solutions to your clients.

We have journeyed with our clients and associates for many years now. We are not only happy to help, we want to help.

Kind regards and stay safe.

Steve Hunt 

Managing Director- Media Hunt Communications

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