Magnificent reinvention of Old Burleigh Theatre soon to hit market

Prime Burleigh beachfront positioning and aslice of iconic Burleigh Heads’ history will be up for grabs in mere monthswhen Burleigh’s most desirable residences launch in a landmark redevelopment ofthe Old Burleigh Theatre.

After receiving approval from council last month,project pioneers Sydney-based Weiya Holdings, are gearing up to bring themulti-million-dollar project to market in what is set to become the first everadaptive re-use of a building with heritage elements on the Gold Coast.

“We are extremely excited to have received thegreen light from council for the redevelopment of the Old Burleigh Theatre andare looking forward to bringing this innovative project to Burleigh Heads verysoon,” said Weiya Holdings Managing Director Wei Wang.

The tower is set to be namedDe-Luxe in a nod to the building’s past life as a popular cinema and dance hallfrom the 1930s and will comprise 30 luxury apartments – majority of which willoffer expansive views across Burleigh Beach and north to Surfers Paradise.

Weiya Holdings invested asignificant amount of money and consideration into bolstering De-Luxe’sheritage element, enlisting one of Australia’s foremost heritage architects,Brisbane-based Conrad Gargett, to devise a design that recognised the site’ssignificance through integration of its historical architecture.

“It’s an exceptionally uniqueproject, unlike anything ever seen on the Gold Coast,” said Conrad Gargettdirector John Flynn.

“The adaptive reuse of heritageelements aligns De-Luxe’s design approach with matured planning schemesemployed across some of the world’s biggest cities, which is an incredibleaccolade to be bringing to Burleigh.

“It’s difficult to get thecohesion between historic architecture and modern amenity just right, but Ibelieve it’s a balance we’ve managed to strike with the design of De-Luxe.”

The spectacular revitalisation will reimaginethe theatre into an ultra-luxury 13-level apartment tower footed by astreet-front retail arcade that pays homage to the building’s existingtwo-storey volume with the infusion of modern cafe and retail tenancies.

“It’s been a long road to get here but we areextremely grateful for the feedback from community that allowed us to devise atruly unique design that maintains that connection to the community whileproviding sought-after residences on one of the Gold Coasts’ most covetedbeachfronts,” said Mr Wang.

Weiya Holdings embarked on extensive communityconsultation to produce an innovative building plan that allowed the widelyrecognised bookend façade to live on, incorporating into the 14-levelresidential and commercial precinct and meeting council’s expectations for thesite because of the historic nature of the façade.

“We listened carefully to what the communitywanted from the redevelopment and utilised those recommendations to guide thedesign we submitted to council, which will see the iconic façade of the OldBurleigh Theatre retained in the transformative redevelopment,” said Mr Wang.

Traces of the building’s history will be woventhroughout the redeveloped structure, including a colonnade of brick piers onthe podium’s western façade and public ground floor space showcasing snapshots andmotion picture screen detailing the theatre’s history and models highlightingthe many phases of the building’s life.

“Receiving council approval is a strongindication that this project aligns with the progressive vision for theBurleigh Heads area, while preserving a cultural icon of the community for decadesto come.”

Patrick Pancur, Sales andMarketing Manager from Weiya Holdings has been appointed to market the project.