Ray White Surfers Paradise recruits staff amid global pandemic

The Gold Coast’s leading real estate agency, Ray White Surfers Paradise (RWSP) Group, is bucking the growing unemployment trend in the real estate industry and is instead in a strong recruitment mode.

In a demonstration of the calming approach thatcomes with 40 years in the industry, including operating through volatileeconomic cycles, RWSP CEO Andrew Bell is taking a pragmatic, long-term approachto the current COVID-19 crisis.

“In any situation in business it is critical toadapt and because we have been through the highs and lows before we certainlytake a long-term approach,” says Mr Bell.

“This is why when many real estate businessesare contracting, we are actively recruiting skilled individuals with experienceacross a range of sectors including commercial and residential.

“In our long historywe have endured significant economic shocks on at least nine separateoccasions, including four recessions, three stock market crashes, a nine-monthnational pilot strike and the global financial crisis,” said Mr Bell.

“As we always take a very proactive approach tothe market we have been able to work through this challenging time incrediblywell. We are still listing and selling on a daily basis and are, in fact, sellingmore properties than we list each week.

Established almost120 years ago, the broader Ray White network has successfully operated througha series of global crises, including two world wars and the Great Depression - theworst economic downturn the world has faced.

Mr Bell said that asthe largest agency in the global Ray White network, RWSP boasts the necessary knowledgeand skills that allows them to succeed through challenging times, and they are nowlooking to share these skills with new recruits.

“The addition of more skilled employees in ourbusiness, who are trained and conversant with the market that’s beforeus, will enable us toprovide even greater assistance to our database of clients which is over320,000 strong.

“From our experiencewe have come to know the trend of the market including how it responds and how wecan successfully service our buyers and sellers amid these times.

“During the COVID-19 pandemicwe have continued to operate incredibly well and we are seeing that the shortageof stock in the market has created a great environment for sellers.

“Our staff at RWSP are undergoing extensivetraining so they can effectively adapt to the changing real estate environmentand the restrictions that have been imposed.

“We are on positive footing and are in theposition where we can recruit more staff due to the successful way we havenavigated through the challenges we have faced,” he said.

The Ray Whitenetwork’s proactive approach to responding to COVID-19, guided by theirextensive experience, saw the agency turnover $4.52 billion in sales during themonth of March.

Mr Bell said thatRWSP is in fact, witnessing great growth in its property management division,despite it initially facing some of the biggest challenges due to the financialhardship many landlords and tenants faced.

“We are now seeing increasingnumbers of people looking for a strong and experienced agency with greatconnections and resources to guide them through this time.

“We have been able toconfidently operate through the challenging times we face by maintaining whatis key in the real estate industry, and that is the relationships with ourclients,” said Mr Bell.

“Like many businesseswe have adapted the way we communicate with our clients. We knew what concernsbuyers and sellers were facing and we reached out to them and advocated forthem during this time,” he said.

In an effort to support buyers, sellers,landlords and renters, the Australian government has outlined a range ofmeasures to help those financially disadvantaged due to COVID-19.

Such relief measures include offering selectpeople early access to their super and the recommendation that banks enablecustomers to defer mortgage repayments for up to six months.

The Queensland government will also be offeringa $20 million rental agreement package to assist tenants and property ownerswho face significant financial distress.

“Despite the impacts of the coronavirus people willalways have the need to buy and sell property and we remain very optimisticabout the future of the real estate industry here on the Gold Coast,” said MrBell.

“With an inevitable, strong rebound in themarket coming, we are activity recruiting skilled individuals across our residentialand commercial divisions to join us as we triumph through this time, helping toprovide great service, advice and results for our clients,” said Mr Bell.

“The opportunity tostart in a new position in the midst of a global pandemic is truly unique andwe anticipate there will be great interest by agents to join the RWSP network,”he said.

All interested agentsare encouraged to apply directly to RWSP.

Forfurther information on RWSP visit https://www.rwsp.net/.