Ripley Valley launches community newspaper

Australia’s newest community newspaper will be available across the Ripley Valley and its surrounds tomorrow thanks to a partnership between the Queensland Times and Sekisui House.Ripley Today is a free community newspaper that will feature that latest news on Ecco Ripley and the Ripley Valley each month.The first edition, which will also be available with the Wednesday edition of the Queensland Times, explores the latest development updates in Ecco Ripley as well as travel, lifestyle and real estate news.APN’s Australian Regional Media chief executive officer Neil Monaghan said it had been exciting to work with Sekisui House Australia and see their Ripley Valley development come to life.“Mr Abe (chief executive officer and managing director Toru Abe) and his team recognise that a newspaper can connect and enrich the lives of the community it serves and we are proud to partner in bringing the Ripley Today to the residents of the Ripley Valley,” Mr Monaghan said.Sekisui House Australia CEO and Managing Director Toru Abe said the launch of Ripley Today reflected the emergence of Ripley Valley as a destination and future satellite city.“Ripley Today will deliver the residents of the Ripley Valley and its surrounding suburbs up to date news and information about what’s going on in their own backyards,” he said.“Circulating the publication monthly means locals will be the first to hear about all the exciting developments and events at Ecco Ripley, Ripley Town Centre and the Ripley Valley as a whole. “It gives everyone the opportunity to connect with their community while highlighting local achievements, promoting local businesses and supporting local initiatives. “Sekisui House is pleased to be involved and, in partnership with APN, looks forward to creating a valuable and insightful information source for the community.”Ripley Today will initially be circulated both individually and within the Queensland Times. The paper will then be available each month independently.